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20 +
Years Experience in the industry

Ortus Solutions Group Limited was established in Oct 2021 to serve those already in Leadership positions and those aspiring to build a fulfilling growth & leadership journey.
We also assist enterprises in improving in the areas of people management, sales Excellence, Strategy and Governance.
We provide growth-minded professionals, entrepreneurs and businesses experiencing stagnation, with solutions to steer momentum towards desired goals.
Solutions are delivered via Speaking, Executive Coaching, training, workshops and active consulting to catalyze individuals and businesses to achieve 3 distinct outcomes: Accelerating Growth, Sweating Assets (Talent) and Engaged people.

Create Possibilities

We are catalysts of meaningful self, professional & enterprise leadership journeys. Aiming for three outcomes: growth, value creation, and fit for purpose to impact positive change.
23K +
27 +
Award in Leadership
192 +
187 +

What does Ortus mean?
Ortus is the Latin word for “Sunrise”. We believe the Sunrise brings renewed Energy and possibilities to unlock the opportunities each new day presents.
Ortus Values
We believe change, application of learning and new knowledge happens over time. Our solutions are therefore crafted as” Packaged Safari” and our delivery is tailor-made to incorporate individual’s or organization’s current training needs. We also offer open leadership classes where those seeking to invest in personal growth and leadership development can enroll.

Why Ortus?

Present an environment for individuals and businesses get clarity on the success opportunities that exist and seize them.

Enabling Fulfillment of Purpose and We learn why the world is a better place because you were here.

Utilize the unique personality, talents & Competence to achieve goals and be your best possible self.

Create a platform to pass on values, leadership Lessons and positive attitude to the next generations. (Sunrise Reflection Circles)

Create a platform to pass on values, leadership Lessons and positive attitude to the next generations. (Sunrise Reflec¬tion Circles)